

I think reviewing is more important than previewing 

because I understand the cumulative effect.

Even though I study something new every day, I ofter don't remember it later.

It's better to study while reviewing accumulated knowledge than to focus solely on learning new things.

Actually, these were learned from the internet.


Even though : 비록~일지라도

better ( ) than : 전자가 후자보다 더 나은 방법

while : ~하는 동안에

solely : 오로지



I think review more than preview.

because I know that the cumulative effect.

매일 새로운 것을 공부하지만 나중에는 기억에 남는 것이 없다.

누적 복습하면서 공부해나가면 새로운것을 공부하는 것 보다 낫다.

Actualy, I knew that the information someone writed at the online.




















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